Tuesday, August 22, 2017


  I won’t pretend that I have been swamped with requests, but several folks have asked if I intended to publish my Living With Dying blog series in Kindle and paperback versions. Well, Amazon has those available now. If you are interested check them out at THIS LINK.


 Sometimes it takes very few words to make a point. This may be the shortest entry I’ve ever posted. But for those who are drawn to the subject it can provide literally hours of enjoyment.
  You may recall that from time to time I have made a big thing of how so many of our October/November peers are having their say online. I do that with this October Years blog. But rest assured, I am just one of hundreds who are adding their voices to the late-life conversation.
  Fortunately, the proof of that is close at hand----elder blogs by the dozens, covering a wide range of topics. The Elderbloggers List contains hundreds of them. I hope you will check them out. In the meantime, do any of these blog offerings sound interesting to you?

*** Fools Rush In - senior humor                      
*** The Fabulous Geezersisters
*** Dying Man’s Journal - eh?
*** Fat Man on a Blog
*** Chez NamasteNancy - in French
*** Dirty Laundry - makes you wonder
*** Geriatric1927 - the internet grandad
***Help! Aging Parents - inching to 80 
*** Hootin’ Annie’s Chronicles
***Journal of a Writing Man-(in French)
*** Life in London After 70
*** Letters for George - Crypotids ???
*** Living in the Bonus Round
***Minding Our Elders -caregiver help
***The Next Stage - retirem't for women
*** Recollections of a Vagabonde 
*** Retirement - a Full Time Job
***Xtreme English - (love notes to the English language)

Or how about my favorite? 

*** The Rant - (‘your very own cesspool of naughty, left-wing propaganda’)

  And where, you ask, can you find those tantalizing possibilities? Look no further. THIS LINK will transport you to As Time Goes By. Once there simply scroll down the page to review the dozens of late-life blog offerings. Somewhere on that list is one or more that were written just for you.
  Have fun and enjoy.

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