I have mentioned that project before in these pages……the nearly 400 page memoir I subtitled ……My Bumpy Road to Growing Up. I remember encouraging my October/November readers (You know who you are.) to consider assembling their own personal life account, for themselves and their families.
In order for Amazon/KDP to print the book I had to offer it for sale on my Amazon Author’s Page. Truth was, I did not want to do that. After all, it was the most personal writing I had ever attempted, and remains so today.
But I did that. I offered the book for sale at $47.50……and no one bought it. Mission accomplished.
Yet here I am, revisiting the notion of a ‘life story,’ hoping to use a somewhat different means of promoting that idea. This time I plan to spend more than one post to explain my intent. It will take two, three, or more installments……beginning with what follows - - Chapter 1 - Why Tell This Story.
I encourage you to read it with an eye toward how the ‘life story’ questions I ask apply to you and your own story. With that, let’s see what I had to say
There are dozens of reasons to explore one’s life, and dozens of ways to approach that process. Beyond those matters of motivation and technique lies the most fundamental question of all. Why do I feel called to tell my story?
As I set out on this journey I have at least three reasons in mind. Chances are I will find others along the way. For now, however, I will be seeking these answers. 1) Why did I choose not to concentrate on the opportunities I was gifted as a young man? 2) Why did I instead settle for my own ‘road less traveled’ and a more satisfying form of success? 3) And, how was I lucky enough to win the lady who would put up with all my foolishness, and provide a helping hand in my search?
Fact is I want to know more about what made me the ‘me’ I have become. In the process I will be retelling and perhaps even reliving bits of my life in hopes of gaining insight. To be sure, this will be the most personal writing I have ever attempted. And most importantly, I am doing it to satisfy myself, no one else.
It is high time to face this life of mine head on and see where my thoughts take me. Hopefully I can confirm that ‘satisfaction’ and ‘fulfillment’ are not prizes to be found in the world of ‘things,’ but are instead products of soul-deep expectations we cultivate in the course of a lifetime.
I won’t pretend to address every detail of my long life. Instead I want to gather the recollections that stand out to me, whether or not their importance is obvious to a casual reader. It is that hopeful gathering of long-dormant memories and emotions that has drawn me toward this telling.
I know there are intuitions and aspirations, anxieties and injuries that inhabit the inner ‘me,’ like ghosts of times past. I want to know more about those invisible specters. What should they mean to me? How are they connected to the person I have become? How do those long-ago episodes, perhaps insignificant at the time, relate to the answers I am still seeking at this advanced stage of life?
Have you ever wondered how seemingly-minor, often-momentary events are able to create such lasting subconscious associations? You and I live daily with hopes and anxieties that confirm the significance of long-past events.
Are those yearnings and apprehensions real? Are they the basis of a fruitful life? Or simply illusions, unsafe to lean on in the heat of life-stressing situations? And where do all those questions come from?
More to the point, why is my eighty-three (now 88) year old mind still seeking those answers? Surely by this time of life I should have learned to live with my accumulated doubts and uncertainty. Why haven’t I created more satisfying answers by now? Surely most people my age have managed that.
In the course of a lifetime all of us construct explanations that we rely on to create our ways of coping. Some of that logic may be shaky, barely able to hide the dysfunction it is meant to address. Some of it is more productive. I would like to know more about the ‘answers’ I have fashioned on my life journey. Which ones created real resolution? Which ones simply shielded me from the reality of unwelcome questions?
My search for personal answers, the strongest motivation of this exploration, may not make sense to anyone else. The drama and emotion of my seeking may be real only to me. Chances are an outsider will consider my questioning asides strange at best, occasionally humorous, and perhaps at times the work of a deranged mind.
For the most part my life answers have been adequate. They have allowed me to deal with the situations at hand, if not always well. Some questions that required an answer in an earlier time have ceased to be an issue for me. And, of course, there have been times when my answers were simply wrong and unproductive.
Like you, I have spent a lifetime trying to create satisfactory responses to life’s challenges. In the process I have reached the supposed calm and quiet of retirement……yet there are questions that still remain.
Will this telling of my story, help me find those answers? How can I know that at the beginning? Ask me again when we reach the end. In the meantime why not join me on the bumpy road to my Becoming.
With that, I hope you will join me for the next installment of exploring a Life Story……..I’m guessing that you will find meaning in the process.