Thursday, February 1, 2018

A snapshot of the great divide

You probably know the drill by now. Whether you rely on Fox News for your ‘truth,’ or MSNBC fills the ‘truth’ bill for you, you are apt to end up with the same questions.

“How could the other guys, (be they Democrats or Republican) be so wrong? They must be sniffing something. Either that, or their irrational hatred of Clinton, Obama, or Trump (take your pick) has turned their brains to mush. In light of the plain-as-day facts, what else could it be?”

And so it goes, day after day---endless hours of  mind-numbing air time---talking heads debating ‘truth and fiction,‘ ‘facts and alternative facts,’  ‘news and fake news.’ And while those passionate adults carry on like unschooled children, the rest of us are growing tired of it, and longing for the day when the other side finally comes to their senses and admits they are wrong.

My advice, for what it is worth---”Don’t hold your breath.”

This will likely be one of my shortest posts ever. In fact, I consider it more like a homework assignment for you readers. You don’t need my input to interpret what it means to you.

The Pew Research Center is a reputable outfit. When they produce surveys like the one below, people ought to take notice. 

I offer this data with only minimal input, pointing out a couple of the more notable results. There will be no political commentary, beyond the obvious observation that our beloved country is incredibly divided over a wide range of social, economic, and political issues. As you would expect, when people view the world and the way it works through such diametrically opposed filters our political discourse is bound to be contentious.

Still, like it or not, we as citizens ought to know the information these charts reveal. Perhaps more importantly, our children and grandchildren should be aware of what it means for their future.

I apologize for the print size. I can't change that. Hopefully your tired old eyes can make it out. As you can see, the charts themselves demonstrate graphically the wide and often widening gulf between what the press labels ‘Conservatives’ (Republicans and Republican leaning-the top line on each chart) and ‘Liberals’ (Democrats and Democrat leaning-the bottom line on each chart). 

Reading the Charts --- In periodic surveys from 1994 to 2017 members of each of the two groups surveyed  (Republicans and Democrats) were asked whether or not they agreed with each of ten statements. Each group’s percentage of agreement with each statement was charted, creating a twenty-three year trend line of that party’s responses.. For instance, in the 2017 survey 63% of Republicans agreed with statement #1, while 30% of Democrats agreed with it.

Take a few minutes to review each of the results, especially the ones that reflect a wide and growing spread between the two points of view, in particular---statements regarding blacks, immigrants, the needy, and environmental laws and regulations. 

   To be sure, the interpretation of this data is a personal matter. You have your opinions and I have mine. I am, however, willing to venture a caution to those who lobby for the most ‘American’ of solutions --- “Why can’t men of good will simply put their heads together and sort it out?” 

Why can’t they do that? My guess is that as the opposing world views reflected in these charts become more entrenched, with each side turning inward to their own ‘truth,’ the already shrinking patch of middle ground grows ever smaller. In the end, no matter how the resulting conflict plays out, chances are the result will not remind us of those long-ago Social Studies classes that taught us about the ‘American Dream.’ 

Although these ten charts are a mirror of USA-2017, they may also serve as a coming-into-focus crystal ball, foretelling a future we would rather not experience.

Finally, not because of my insights, but because I consider the Pew Research charts so important, I hope this becomes one of the most ‘Shared’ posts we have done. Whether ‘Sharing’ on Facebook or ‘Forwarding’ an email, the process is simple. No matter what their political persuasion, people should to know the story these simple charts tell. Young or old, they ought to see these graphic representations of our democracy in action---or is it inaction?

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