Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One story down, eight to go

(Originally posted September 4, 2009_
This afternoon I posted Installment #36, the last of Maybe This Time. My first complete story has seen the light of day. It’s been an interesting process: dissecting into bite sized pieces what had been conceived as a whole. Sometimes that was a challenge, parceling out half a scene, hoping it would stand alone, at least until the arrival of the next installment.
Perhaps I’ve learned how to do that better. In any case, after a short vacation, during which I’ll make every effort to leave the stories behind for a few days, I’ll be back in mid-September with the next story.
In the meantime, I’d like to encourage some feedback from you readers. It turns out there are quite a few of you. Certainly more than I had expected. I would love to hear your opinions, pro or con, about MAYBE THIS TIME. The COMMENTS link at the end of each posting is a simple, painless way to do that.
Finally, as I noted in the introduction to #36, these stories will remain here on the site, always available. If you know someone who might enjoy reading about Carl and Jack, Maria and Cynthia, please pass the word about Tanner-Stories. It’s easy to access, and the price is right.

 With that, please join us on September 16th for GOING HOME.

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